Swiha Charity Foundation

With you always

Charity is generosity, its a virtue that is central in Islam


Join us as we use Islamic faith based approaches to transform lives of Ugandan local communities.

Our Causes

Education and Empowerment

We are engaging in making education services affordable and accessible for children and young people. The KEEP IN SCHOOL CAMPAIGN we initiated at the beginning of 2022 focuses at supporting children specifically Muslim girls to keep in school after the COVID-19 pandemic; we provide scholastic...

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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Swiha Charity Foundation recognizes the need to improve WASH services amongst Muslim communities. Water, sanitation and hygiene are important elements of the Muslim faith, thou many Ugandan communities are still challenged with accessing clean water. the Islamic procedure for cleansing the body...

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Uganda Quran Project

The Uganda Quran Project aims at building informed and empowered Muslims with a clear understanding of the Islamic teachings and the revelations of Allah (SWT) by at increasing access to the Holy Quran to Muslim communities in Uganda, the project also supports Quran teaching initiatives in...

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Ramadhan Relief Program

The blessed month of Ramadan is fast approaching – may Allah (Swt) bestow His mercy and blessings upon you and your family. This Ramadan, Swiha Charity Foundation seeks your support to this year’s Ramadan Community Program. You may support us with Zakat, Sadaqah, Fidya or Kafarah – your...

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Community Health Program

Swiha Charity Foundation priotizes community access to quality but affordable health services without emphasis on leaving no one behind; when providing health services, we do not discriminate people by religion, origin, gender nor engage in any other form discrimination. Health is not limited to...

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Join Us, Let's Support Ugandan Muslim Communities Thrive.

There is more than one way you can support. Every donation counts. You can choose to contribute through general donation. Or, you can be a volunteer to participate actively in our campaigns. If you’re up for it, join us for both!


Mosques reached


Muslim Households


Muslim Beneficiaries

We Believe That We Can Reach More People With You.

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Recent Articles


Iftar relief to Busaana district

Swiha Charity gave Iftar food relief to the Muslim community in Busaana district during the Holy...

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Borehole establishment in Luweero district

Part of Swiha Charity Foundation's programs is to improve access to clean Water, Sanitation and...

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Health Camp in Bidi Bidi Refugee Camp

Bidi Bidi Refugee Camp is a land nearby the small Ugandan border town of Yumbe in Yumbe district....

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